Thursday, March 21, 2019

Things that make me happy rght now --new Thursday 13

1-I am working a cancer fundraiser for children in our county this weekend  and it is a long day but such a labor  of love-every cent goes to  them(they are very rare cancers-  bones  growing out of face ,non development , blood rarities ,just kids struggling to be normal.I pray so hard for them ,none are improving too
much and it must be  super hard on parents ,but it's a FUNDRAISER I LOVE TO DO -100 PERCENT TO FAMILIES  and people give generously ..

2- I am helping my sister who has issues with collapsed roof and walls inWVA, it is a labor of love far away .

3- My nephew,2 is dancing at the window and squealing because he sees his grandpa coming up the walkway , so pure.

4-My contractor has broken more things and without being asked , a friend says she will  repair it ,what a load off my mind..

5- Light nurturing rains for the flowers I adore, a daily walk of love -admiring flowers

6- Baseball tonight and parents have made an exceptional dinner to sell-shepherds pie, Caesar salad rolls  tea and heath bar cake- fantastic parents  20 homemade items - so proud

7-Some improvements in house and an inspection deadline March 29-they will not be done but gives me some hope

8-Artwork and crafts daily take me to a place of no worry -making seaglass pictures for bathroom and art cards to send with my letters.

9-A disastrous fall of my big dog this morning , resulted in my having  to carry her,but she is ok now,hurting but...100 pounds

10-My friend in Kentucky is recycling seeds from her flower garden and selling to benefit kids lunches in KY schools,farm to table .

11-Prayer which allows me to know that soon I will have peace again-been a hard hard road ,,

12-Staying dry and having windows

13- Peaceful days , days when I'm able to block out all the noise and go to my happy place and on those days I read N ew Thursday 13!!
Coach's grandson Jace who always makes me smile
Isaac Juiano this years very courageous kid !!


  1. Your sure know how to live! I feel happier just reading about your life.

  2. Me, too. I feel all smiley inside having read your wonderful post. Thank you. :-)

  3. You carried around a hundred pound dog? My hat's off to you.


Thank you beforehand for genuine, positive , make me happy today comments

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