Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday 13 - where is your magical place?

When I walked home from school in the hills of Wva there was a place where the snow on trees formed an arch and it seemed like entrance to a white magical castle.Each spring i knew where to climb the rocks and find the rarest of Spring flowers, those spots were magic. One time a hummingbird brushed my face in the night .When the snow fell on  snow encrusted ground, I could hear it - Magic ,Here are some items and places that make me feel magical from a glowing pant to a hidden nook ..How about you ??Where and when is there magic for you ??


  1. Ooooh. I love the door, the branch archway and spiral, the golden snow, sparkling city. So uplifting.

  2. These are such magical images. Wonderful.

    My grandparent's house (long gone now) is probably as magical as I ever got.

  3. Way more than thirteen, but I liked the first and fourth. Mine: Recently Read

    1. I could not throw out the others too magical


Thank you beforehand for genuine, positive , make me happy today comments

Thoughts on Christmas new Thursday 13

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