Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday 13- I love gifs..they make me smile and especially of animals so I picked my favorite 13 so far this year

Graphics Interchange Format. GIFs are image files that are compressed to reduce transfer time. The proper pronounciation of the acronym is a soft "g" sound: like JIF.
The creators of the format, Bob Berry & Steve Wilhite, claim that this soft "g" sound is used. At some point one of them said, "Choosy programmers choose GIF," a play on the peanut butter commercials where "Choosy moms choose Jif." It can also use multiple images for animated effects (animated GIFs).

                      I want this puppy


  1. These are all hilarious. Loved the puppy and dog leading/dragging each other. My TT is up--brain tips.

  2. What a treat these are! The cats are crazy. I didn't get the one of the cat with the mouse pointer on his nose at first until I realized it wasn't mine. Love the doggie ear flapping one!

  3. those are ever so cute and cheerful. thanks.

  4. These are great! I wish we could hear the cat on the piano.

  5. These are so adroable!!! SO CUTE!

    My T13

  6. I like the one with the cat running around the toilet the best.

  7. These are adorable.


Thank you beforehand for genuine, positive , make me happy today comments

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